Friday, February 6, 2015

Holy Sh*T IM FAT!!!!!

             So strange thing happened today...... Went upstairs, stepped on the scale and weighed myself.... Guess what i weighed? you guessed it, i weighed a SHIT TON! I was 274,  For anyone who doesn't have too much details on my history ill write a quick Synopsis of my life....  

1997 - Graduated High School
1997 Left for United States Army
1998 returned and went to Army Reserves.
1998 Started working at Yankee candle
2001 left Yankee and started working at C&S Wholesale grocers. (bad idea.)

2009 Hurt my back and have been out of work ever since.  

Diagnosed with Multiple back issues but the cause of everything has been something called FAI - Femoral Acetabular Impingement. Pretty much my Femur head is the wrong shape and has Torn the crap out of my Hip sockets. 

2010 - Had Lumbar Fusion surgery
2010 - Ended up in hospital for a couple weeks with Bad Infection from surgery (SUCKED)(SUCKED BAD)
2012 - Let hip Surgery

2013 Left Hip revision surgery

2014 Told need Bilateral replacements but to suffer as long as possible until i get them replaced.....  
So here i sit, On SSDI spending most my time learning as much as i can about Photography! 

Im holding the Banana!!!

So my point is, I have gained about 60 Pounds since I have stopped working, Its very hard to lose weight when Exercising has challenges such as i have.  Those who know me Know that i try to not let me "issues" effect me too much. In fact there's lots of people that don't even know i have Injuries at all. I just like to keep it all to myself and Go on with my life. Well i cant do that anymore and Ive decided to Make my quality of life better without getting the surgery on my hips so young. Im going to attempt to lose a "SHIT TON" of weight in hopes that it helps to Eliminate a good portion of my daily pain.  So i am inviting anyone who cares... or doesn't to Follow along in my weight loss journey. I will try to be as detailed as possible. I don't care if i have to lift a gallon of milk a million times a day with my huge NOSE i will lose this weight!   I will lose this weight for ME, I will lose it for my Wife, and I will lose it for my Daughter Kaylee who I'm sick of only being able to play physical activities with her for very short periods of time. I want to swim for hours with her and Go for long walks, or pull her in the wagon down the road.  I am NOT a fan of complaining so please don't think that this is what i am doing. I want no PITY towards me!!!!! NONE whatsoever. I am tough and will lose this weight and get back to some sort of job even if its being the coolest Walmart greeter anyone has ever seen!!!!!  Check back when your bored to see updates On my weight Loss Adventure!!!

Oh BTW GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ice Ice BabY!

Its the magical thing that takes away pain when you really just need it gone! Its called ice, ice packs, frozen vegetables will even work. I remember one time i used some frozen peas so many times i was laying in bed and smelled something rotting. Yup it was my "ice pack" of peas..... So remember kids alternate your  ice veggies or throw them out after a few uses.
Kaylee spent the night over mimi and bumpas house so Mel and I got to sleep in today. I think i woke up sometime around 7:30am, yes that is sleeping in nowadays. We were scheduled for a 9:30 arrival at cooley dickinson for surgery prep work. We could tell right away that they were behind in the schedule. They took me in to get my cool jonny on and get me prepped for surgery. I got to get my whole hip shaved and wiped with slimy antibacterial cloths. After much waiting and waiting and waiting(ok so i dosed off alot) i was finally wheeled away for surgery around 12:15. So not too horrible considering my Time was scheduled for 10:55.  NExt thing i know im being yelled at by tons of people saying  "WAKE UP KORTNEY WAKE UP" and i could not stop shaking . I felt like my body was unvoluntarily harlem shaking against my will! A couple big thick warm blankets later and lots of deep breaths of oxygen and i was good to go.  In comes wifey, a bit of monitoring and off we go for the ride home. I gotta say my experience with cooley dickinson was the exact opposite as last time i had surgery there. Everyone was nice, caring, kind and you could tell they actually gave a shit what was going on around them.  
Stockings to eliminate blood clots in the legs. And they are sexy toO!


Pre surgery nap, Thanks to  IV FentanyL!

For anyone who is reading this and may ever have or thinking of having this surgyer, here is some items i HIGHLY reccommend you get and have at home prior to you returning home from surgery.

1. Make sure you have plent of either Ice pakcs, Gel packs or better yet rent or borrow a Cryocuff type machine. The best of these being the gameready machine which is a hefty price of $300 for 5 days.. EeK

2. Have towels near by that can easily be rolled up and stuffed next to your leg to keep it from moving. THe leg tends to tilt and it hurts VERY  bad if not propped with a pillow.  

3.  try and be as invisible as possible. I know during recovery you will need help from your spouse friends etc. But try not to be annoying and get on their nerves. Do as much as you can for yourself. Grab more than one drink and keep it next to you on your end table so you are not asking over and over again for help.

If anyone needs me Ill be hanging out with my good friends El Senor ice pack and Mr Oxycodone!... VIVA LA RASTA!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Arthroscopic Surgery, llamas that spit, coil packs and shes 4 and a half now!

              Some of them try to rhyme but they can't Rhyme like this NOOOOOOO!!!!. Yes folks we are t minus 1 day until Revision surgery number 1 on my left hip. The surgery i got December 6th 2012 most definately did not work and stuff is a complete mess in there.  My last surgery recovery may have been tainted by the fact that i could not afford Physical therapy. It is $150/week and that doesn't include my doctors visit co pays too. Who just has an xtra 600/month laying around for PT.  And every time i went they just talked to me, asked some questions and did a few exercises. So not worth the $50 copay. If anyone has suggestions for a good Physical Therapist that deals with FAI or Arthroscopic recovery please email me, or message me on Facebook. I had to drive down and get tested for MRSA and got a call a few days ago saying that i was positive for colonization of MRSA. At first i was freaking out but after reading some inter webs sites i learned that a good amount of people carry it around without even knowing it. I most likely got it from wifey who is around it almost daily at the hospital. MRSA Is Disgusting!

As i was driving home from picking up kaylee from Ja'duke the other day all of a sudden i noticed i was getting a serious back massage from my seat in my truck. There was a severe shuttering vibration coming from the engine compartment that shook the whole truck like one of those seats at six flags where you spend a quarter to vibrate the shit out of your feet to make them feel good.  After a trip to autozone and a Computer code reading it was identified that cylinder #2 was not firing correctly. SO i purchased a coil pack for my truck and off i went vibrating down the road. If anyone is wicked bored and wants to install my coil pack for me let me know :).  I looked on ebay and for 8 Coil packs it was $54.. Guess how much just 1 was at autozone.............. Yup it was $56 for ONE!!!!!! holy RipOff Batman! 
Just to clear a little bit of confusion up, Kaylee is not 4 years old! She is 4 and a half years old. She makes sure she corrects me when i say she is 4.. What was i thinking, apparently that half year is a HUGE deal to a 4 year old :)
I will be blogging almost daily hopefully during my recovery from my surgery as i know there is alot of people who visit my blog just to learn more about FAI and the issues i have with my hips.  Sorry if this Bores the majority of you but ill get back to more interesting things some day!  Thanks for taking the time to suffer through another blog post :)
Here are a few pictures from adventures I call LIFE!